What I Do
I'm a journalist. I've written about The Sopranos and sopranos, human longevity and startups that flame out... Animals make recurring appearances—boars, bees, black soldier flies and birds that had to be reprogrammed to fly south for the winter. My work has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian's Long Read, The Atlantic, Fortune, The Boston Globe "Ideas," Slate, Wired, BusinessWeek, Inc., and tanti altri.
There were documentary films and a podcast too. A documentary film we made about Congo’s child miners screened at more than 10 film festivals, and picked up awards along the way. Another was on India's untouchables.
UPDATE: In August, 2022, I joined The New York Times as a senior editor/writer on DealBook. You can sign up for it here.
A selection of my work
A documentary film on Congo's child miners
A documentary film on India's Untouchables
More bylines
I’ve covered the dot-com boom, bust and tech re-birth on both sides of the Atlantic for the likes of Adweek, The Industry Standard, Reuters and Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Later, I wrote for The Times of London, Guardian, Slate.com, Ad Age and Variety. My freelance journalism has also appeared in Fortune, Wired, The Atlantic, Time, Inc., New York Magazine and the Boston Globe. I also wrote a column on technology in contemporary art (in Italian) for ContemporArt.
Here are some clips that have aged pretty well:
This one blew up my Twitter:
- Why do stars like Adele keep losing their voice? Guardian, August 10, 2017
From Emperor Nero to millennials to The Sopranos:
- Millennials are the misfits of modern capitalism. Here's why it's not their fault, The Boston Globe, Nov 20, 2018
- Teenagers are our best hope in fighting fake news, The Boston Globe, Jan 12, 2018
- Invasion of the Punks, Fortune, December 15, 2016
- Why This Shaving Startup Made a $100 Million Gamble on a 100-Year-Old Factory, Inc., May, 2016
- Fast, cheap & Out of Control: the rise of Europe's budget airlines, Wired, March 2002
- A geriatric attack on Italy’s bloggers, Times Online, Oct. 24, 2007
- All roads lead to ‘Roman’ trials, Variety, August 13, 2006
- Engine Wine, Wired, September, 2006
- Venice Unwired, Wired, November, 2005
- Disappearing Act, Time, May 9, 2005
- Why the Sopranos flopped in Italy, The Guardian, July 23, 2007
- Russian Roulette, The Guardian, Dec. 11, 2006
On tech:
- When Algorithms Make the Evidence Vanish The Atlantic, May 8, 2019
- When Online Privacy Comes at the Press's Expense, The Atlantic, June 3, 2019
- Keeping your social media policy in the workplace — and out of the courtroom, Inc., July 7, 2014
- Toshiba has invented a quantum cryptography network that even the NSA can’t hack, Quartz, September 4, 2013
- How to be unGoogleable, Times Online, May 28, 2008
On the environment, science
- Why women live longer than men – and how men will benefit from it – The Boston Globe, April 15, 2018
- The Next Big Thing in the Food Industry: Flies – Inc., October, 2014
- I’ll have the fly-fed beef, please, Bloomberg Businesweek, June 13, 2013
- Survival of the unfittest, The Guardian, April 14, 2008
Food & Wine:
- On the Scent: Hunting for white truffles in Amandola, The Guardian, Nov. 10, 2008
- The rise and rise of small wines, Wanted in Rome, Nov, 2007
- How Eataly Conquered Italy, and Why America Will Be Next, Grub Street – NYmag.com, July, 2012
- White Gold: A Look at the Italian Truffle Trade, Grub Street – NYmag.com, November, 2012
Some politics, geeky politics:
- The politics of piracy, Times Online, June 8, 2006
- Pirates run aground at the polls, Times Online, Sept 20, 2006
And waaaay, way back:
- Banned from the Olympics, The Industry Standard, Aug 14, 2000
To read my Businessweek column, “Very Near Future,” please visit.
To read my Slate.com/TheBigMoney.com clips, please visit
To read my Variety clips, please visit